As the year is ending I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the members of Common Property to thank you for your cooperation and assistance and to highlight some of the activities and projects in which our committe has been involved. LANDSCAPING: The area...
This has been a busy season for the Common Property Committee both with completing planned projects and dealing with unexpected situations. Some of these projects and situations included: Clearing sewer drain blockages that caused flooding on Bay Tree La., Ashworth...
Lakes & More! Common Property Recap submitted by Parrinder Terry We welcome the holiday season; a festive time for us but quiet time for our lakes. The temperatures are kind and algae growth mild. Solitude Lake Management will take the next few months to continue...
The Common Property committee has been quite busy since our last update. We have participated in rides with our Solitude technician in order engage in an active dialogue about the lake maintenance plan. In addition, we have reviewed the Deercreek Waterway Inspection...
Last year, amidst resident inquiries and concerns of unkempt lakes, the Common Property committee underwent a review of its service plan and needs. This included evaluating the current contract provisions from Solitude Lake and interviewing and accepting bids from...
Section 9. Noise. Exterior noise, and noise emanating from within buildings or other improvements, including without limitation, talking, singing, television, radio, record or tape player or musical instruments, shall be maintained from 11:00 p.m. until 7:30 a.m. at...
If you see an animal in the neighborhood (snakes, alligators, coyotes, etc) that are dangerous to either residents or their pets, the Board has established a new point of contact procedure to ensure that these instances are properly handled. Please contact Board...
We are excited to announce that we are moving forward with Phase 1 playground and basketball court upgrades. For Phase 1, we will be: a) repairing and refinishing the existing court and restriping it for basketball and pickleball; b) replacing the two picnic...