Linda and John Robinson, at 9964 Chelsea Lake Road, are longtime residents (30 years) and proud great-grandparents of 3 youngsters.

As many probably know, the Robinsons love landscaping and their residence shows it! Landscaping is a family affair: Linda selects; John plants; and son Chris, of Robinson Landscape, maintains the pristine appearance of the grounds.

This is the second time that their residence has been recognized as The View. The most notable change since their award in 2009 are three tall Queen Palms along the front, replacing a thick-trunked native palm. These majestic palms create perfect symmetry while allowing the entire home to show.

Closer to their house, a large ligustrum provides shade to their entrance and is home to two magnificent hanging staghorn ferns. Along the sides of their property, they have a row of greenery along the left and blooming azaleas along the driveway on the right.

Linda recommends curcumas, a broad-leafed perennial in the ginger family. They have pinkish-purple blooms lasting from spring to fall. It dies back each winter and comes back yearly.

Congratulations to Linda and John for their beautiful View!

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