Resident Spotlight – May 2024

Apr 29, 2024

Meet DeerCreek Residents: Abhishek and Abha (like the group-ABBA) Bhor

(Admit it, you’re singing “Dancing Queen” in your head right now).

The Bhors were both born and raised in the city of Indore, located in central India. Their fathers have been best friends since childhood and their mothers became pregnant with them at the same time. It seemed they were destined to be a part of one another’s lives, but despite sharing strong family bonds, their childhood interactions were limited only to cursory greetings.

When learning of Abha’s shared interest in academic pursuits, Abhishek was intrigued and their conversations began to grow. Soon, a deeper connection blossomed and they were later married in a traditional Asian Indian, Hindu wedding, lasting 7 days, with approximately 2000 guests in attendance.” The Bhors have been married for 24 years and are the proud parents of three children, their son, Eshan, daughter, Ishika and their house- trained, fur baby rabbit, Hope.

What brought you to the US? Specifically, to Deercreek.

“We came to the US in pursuit of further education.” (Abhishek earned a master’s degree in architecture from Texas A&M and a second master’s in computer science from UPENN. Abha earned a master’s degree in Accounting and Business from University of DAVV in India and a second master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas A&M). The Bhors moved to Jacksonville in 2009, as part of a job opportunity and later moved to Deercreek in 2021. Abhishek is an IT Product Manager with Optum; a subsidiary of United Health Care and Abha is an IT Project Manager for Next Era Energy, a subsidiary of Florida Power and Light. The Bhors speak three languages: English, Hindi, and Bengali.

Favorite Deercreek Memory:

“The first time we drove into Deercreek,” says Abha, “we felt like we had left the noisy traffic and busy world behind us and had entered instead, a beautiful, peaceful oasis, surrounded by grand trees and warm neighbors. It’s a place we now feel so fortunate to call “home.”

Hobbies and Special Interest:

Abhishek enjoys sketching and painting and passionately follows the non-religious practice of “Heartfulness Meditation,” which he calls “his anchor and driving force in life.” Not only does he practice meditation up to 60 minutes daily, but he’s also a certified instructor and conducts free classes to share the transformative power of meditation with others.

Abha is a proficient cook and regularly prepares fresh, healthy foods for her family; primarily from scratch. She strives to provide a minimalist, organized, environment and a peek into her kitchen pantry is a testament to her success. In an effort to eliminate harmful chemicals, she infuses, and blends herbs used to make her own skin care products. She has not used over- the- counter products on her face for over 12 years.

Abha’s passion is children’s literature. She remembers the stories her grandfather shared with her as a child and she aspires to one day write children’s books; rich with stories of her own families’ culture and history. “Our children can learn so much by spending time with their elders,” says Abha. “They have seen and experienced many things and hold so much wisdom.” Abha and her children regularly volunteer at a local assisted living facility, bringing smiles and warming the hearts of the elderly in our own community; while also listening and learning from those they serve.

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