PB&J and Canned Meat Food

May 28, 2024

The Mandarin Food Bank is extremely grateful for the continued support from this community, especially over the last few years. During the summer months, while the children are out of school, they do not receive a mid-day meal, so the Food Bank especially needs anything that can provide an easy meal for kids to prepare themselves. The most useful items are large quantities of peanut butter and jelly. In addition, the Food Bank would also be extremely grateful for any canned meat (such as canned chicken, beef stew, SPAM, etc), but anything else similar is always welcome.

In addition, the Food Bank is always grateful for any toiletries as they are usually in short supply.

There will be a bin by the outgoing side of the guard gate and another at the Club for donations. In addition, items can be dropped off at Carmen Kelly’s house (10139 Bishop Lake Rd W).

As always, thank you so much for your generosity.

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