Common Property Update

May 13, 2024

The Common Property Committee has been busy these past months working to maintain and improve our community.

  • A tree trimming project was recently completed that included trimming and shaping of trees along the entrance and raising the canopy along the preserve. Additional trimming will be scheduled as needed.
  • Our landscaping project involves the planting of a podocarpus hedge near the guardhouse, planting Jack Frost Ligustrums and Philodendrons near the front wall on Southside, planting of azaleas, and creating additional flower beds. Plans are underway to improve the appearance of the two islands in the Heather Lake area. Additonal plans are underway for other landscaping projects.
  • Our annual pressure washing project will begin this month that will include mailboxes, sidewalks, benches, guardhouse, pavers, playground area, monuments, statutes, etc.
  • Four sites will receive new mailboxes in the coming months.
  • Torn back gate cover has been replaced by slats to insure privacy.
  • You have noticed that three of our fountains on Southside have been inoperable for months. This is the result of difficulty in finding the right vendor to repair the fountains. Hopefully as you read this the fountains are now working.
  • Several projects are underway to improve the appearance of our 41 ponds. First, our Carp project is proceeding in which the plan is to stock many of our ponds with carp by late fall. Carp help to reduce the algae problem. Second, a contract has been signed to aerate the pond adjacent to the pool and 18th green, as well as the the pond across the street that runs along hole #10. Aeration is another method of improving the appearance of our ponds. Unfortuanately this project has been stalled. The area adjacent to the JEA station and the pool needs to be graded before we can install the electrical line necessary for the compressors. This is not common property and we are hoping that this area will be renovated as soon as possible. As of this writing our area has been experiencing record temperatures and an extended period of little rain. This combination exacerbates problems with algae growth in the ponds. Our lake management team is being as proactive as possible on minimizing problems with the ponds by the use of approved chemicals, dye (to reduce sunlight), and biotics.

In passing I’d like to mention our storm drains. I’d like to urge all residents to help keep debris away from these drains and to caution landscapers not to blow grass and leaves into these drains. Clearing a drain is expensive and the cost often runs into the thousands of dollars.

Finally, our committee members welcome any suggestions or advice that you have in improving our beautiful community. Thank you.

Gregg Flynn, Chair
904 304 9088

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