From the Access Control Committee

May 1, 2024

School will be out soon or may already be out, especially colleges. Normally we will see an increase in vandalism of various kinds in the months school is not in session. Be alert!! Report anything unusual to the guards or JSO.

The Deercreek Swim Team will be active this summer, so that means there will be increased traffic flow at times. Please be courteous as some of these visitors may be future club members.

The recent weather has been generally great for walking and exercise outside. Thankfully, it appears most residents walking in the Deercreek roads are walking facing the traffic which is the safe way to do it, if walking in the road is a requirement. Please keep up the good habit!!! Also, remember earbuds are not your friend when walking in the roads regardless of where you are.

Graduation and end of school parties are popular this month. As always, please enter all guests’ names in the gate system at least 24 hours before the event. This will help expedite your guests through the gate and to their desired location much faster. When the gate knows a large number of guests are expected, two guards will be assigned to the gate to get the vehicles through the gate as quickly as possible.

Another reminder about security of vehicles: keep the doors locked and windows up and do not have valuables in the vehicle, or if they are inside, keep them out of sight. Residences should also be locked at all times. Remember the guards will do house checks if residents are away for a period of time.

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